Thursday, June 2, 2011

Milky Way Cake

My lovely Aunt Lindy & Uncle Ken from Florida stopped through Tulsa on their way up north for business. Chad & I got to have lunch with them at my parents house on Saturday & I was in charge of dessert. It just so happened that I had printed off a new dessert recipe from The Pioneer Woman. I LOVE The Pioneer Woman & read her blog almost daily. I've found quite a few yummy recipes over the past year and a half!

ANYWAY, on to the good part :-) I made, as I'm sure you've guessed from my blog title, a Milky Way Cake. And let me tell you, it was goooooooood! The best part was that I left the cake with my parents & aunt & uncle to finish eating so I wouldn't feel bad about eating any more than 1 piece. I didn't tell my mom what was in it until AFTER they had finished off my cake pan ;-)

I started taking pics of the whole process, but then forgot to follow through. The Pioneer Woman's pics are a lot better anyway so you can thank me later for sparing you ;-)

Yes, it is made with 11, count them ELEVEN Milky Way Bars, BUT it's a perfect dessert to take to a party or other event so that you're sure to only eat 1 precious piece. At the end of the PW's recipe post she says to eat a piece & go run 5 you REALLY want to make it don't you? Trust me, it's worth the extra calories my little friends and I WILL be making it day ;-)

Let me know if you make it & what you think!


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