Thursday, June 2, 2011

One More Thing

It was quite the food weekend for the Zieglers over the Memorial Holiday. I maybe might have perhaps also made homemade ice cream on Monday. It was DE to the LISH! I make AWESOME homemade ice cream, if I do say so myself, and I do. :-)

It was the perfect reward after having moved Chris & Sarah (Chad's brother & his wife) into their new apartment on Sunday. It's true, they moved all the way from TN to the big OK and we're pretty excited about it!

Milky Way Cake

My lovely Aunt Lindy & Uncle Ken from Florida stopped through Tulsa on their way up north for business. Chad & I got to have lunch with them at my parents house on Saturday & I was in charge of dessert. It just so happened that I had printed off a new dessert recipe from The Pioneer Woman. I LOVE The Pioneer Woman & read her blog almost daily. I've found quite a few yummy recipes over the past year and a half!

ANYWAY, on to the good part :-) I made, as I'm sure you've guessed from my blog title, a Milky Way Cake. And let me tell you, it was goooooooood! The best part was that I left the cake with my parents & aunt & uncle to finish eating so I wouldn't feel bad about eating any more than 1 piece. I didn't tell my mom what was in it until AFTER they had finished off my cake pan ;-)

I started taking pics of the whole process, but then forgot to follow through. The Pioneer Woman's pics are a lot better anyway so you can thank me later for sparing you ;-)

Yes, it is made with 11, count them ELEVEN Milky Way Bars, BUT it's a perfect dessert to take to a party or other event so that you're sure to only eat 1 precious piece. At the end of the PW's recipe post she says to eat a piece & go run 5 you REALLY want to make it don't you? Trust me, it's worth the extra calories my little friends and I WILL be making it day ;-)

Let me know if you make it & what you think!
